Colorfully dyed eggs with a sign reading "The Eggs of Possibility"I’ve been doing a lot of networking, which I like to think of as calling my boats home to me. See I have this image of my ideal clients and partners as sailboats, bobbing in a calm harbor just off my tropical island. Have I mentioned that the metaphor for my business is a tropical island? Well it is.

My business is a tropical island

It’s a place where calm seas and sunshine prevail. It’s warm and joyful with pina coladas at the ready. There are treasure chests of loot on the sandy beaches, easily visible. Gold coins and doubloons shining in the sun. And my boats are gently bobbing in the waves anchored in the harbor.

The sailboats welcome me when I come out to spend time with them. Then I come back to my island and breathe in the scent of gardenia and frangipani like magic drifting in the night breeze. Everyone’s happy ‘mon.

So finding my boats….

Most of my boats are in this foggy place where I can kind of see them but can’t make out the specifics. Right now the boats are all maybe’s. Full of possibility and potential. Good, rewarding, exciting things can emerge. But a boat can also become a rabbit hole of time suckage.

So the question is: if it’s a maybe right now, what tips a boat toward becoming a “yes” or a “no”?

Enter the Eggs of Possibility

Yes, I have a dozen eggs sitting on my desk. They are cascarones, the Mexican version of an Easter egg.

To make a cascarone, you crack the egg, clean it out, dye it, fill it with confetti and cover the hole with tissue paper. I have a dozen of these beauties sitting prominently on my desk. Gestating.

Each one represents a potential opportunity for me. They are gestating. Waiting to become a clear “yes.”

There’s the Africa egg because I want to do a lot more international work (I originally wanted to be a diplomat, so the international policy wonk side of me is eager to go for a gallop). And my intuition is telling me a trip to Africa is on my horizon.

There’s the Rumi in Australia egg: a new friend I met on LinkedIn and had an hour long conversation about working together which seems like it could go in interesting directions.

And there are a few more Eggs of Possibility that I’m not ready to reveal just yet. You get the idea.

I look at the Eggs of Possibility throughout the day. I pick them up and check in with them energetically. I think about what they need. I hold them in my mind and heart. And I trust that in time they will hatch.