Work With Us

Emergent Facilitation

When you’re ready to harness the collective intelligence of your people through meaningful and strategic conversation so that you can tackle complex challenges and catalyze momentous change, we’re here for you.

What’s a problem you haven’t been able to solve – your wicked problem?

With our extensive experience in facilitation, training, design and collaboration methods from a variety of powerful lineages, from embodiment practices and 4D mapping to World Cafe and Open Space to MG Taylor methodology design workshops and graphic facilitation, we identify the gap between where you are now and your envisioned future, and chart a bold and intelligent course through that unknown.


Why is it so hard to solve?

We use fresh, unconventional and imaginative approaches to guide you toward strategies that tackle the problems of now – methods that utilize our multiple intelligences (such as visual thinking, intuition, creative practices and embodiment) in accessible, effective ways. We drop the waterline so you can see what’s below the surface–where the harder to solve stuff lives–and we explore there.

What if you could solve your wicked problem?

We make it easier for you to challenge the status quo, consider surprising alternatives, and bring provocative questions to the table; and we help you go deeper into the problems and the possible solutions than you have been able to before. We do this in workshops by facilitating your best thinking and guiding you toward breakthrough strategies. The result is that beautiful moment when great ideas come to life, and the map to their realization begins to unfurl because we are designing solutions with the health of the whole system in mind.


If we solve your wicked problem,

what does that allow you to do?

Are you ready to find out?

Let’s have a conversation.