Yesterday my friend, the amazing Hiro Boga, held a free teleclass where she offered a taste of her amazing energy work. I never pass up an opportunity to tune into the depth of myself with someone as gifted as Hiro.

On the Yellow Brick Road call, (if you weren’t on it you should beg her for the recording) we would look toward the future of our business. Not in a yucky analytical planning kind of way but in a deeply centered, intuitive, sovereignty kind of way. Creative business planning for artistic entrepreneurs requires a unique approach.

What’s your relationship to your future?

The question that kicked off her theme. After a bit of introduction she started doing her magic energy moving stuff, taking us through our body and focusing us deep inside the center of our skull where we connected with our soul. From that place, she asked us to look at the soul of our business.

The soul of my business is a magic marker and also a little girl

In connecting to the soul of our business, Hiro asked us to hold out our hand to welcome the hand from the soul of our business.** My business appeared to me as a beautiful young girl about five or six years old, in a summer party dress with flowers strewn in her hair.

** A few days prior to this call, I had a session with Hiro where she had me look at the soul of my business which I saw as a magic marker and at myself, which I saw as glittering gold dust. I know–gold dust! I love that image too.

This time the little girl was flitting about, clearly comfortable with herself and passing out her extra flowers to every one around her. I could tell she was so happy to be alive without a care in the world. Thrilled to be in her own world with those around her.

The future of my business is lush and there are boats

My boats
In the next step of the call, Hiro had us envision the landscape of our business’s future. I stood there, holding the hand of this wondrous little girl, and saw that we were in the crease where two mountains came together. We were somewhere tropical. Exotic. Lush. Think Caribbean. Gardenia and frangipani flowers scented the air. Mangos grew in the trees above us.

Surveying from our perch I saw the turquoise blue of the sea. Hiro guided us to look around to see who else was there. Ask for whomever you want to meet. Ask for allies and pay attention to who shows up.

I saw boats. Sailboats.** Nice-sized, sea worthy sailboats. Yachts even. And my people—my tribe– were on the boats, bobbing up and down with the waves, just waiting.

**At one point in my life growing up, my father owned a marina business so I have spent a lot of time on the water in boats, and love to race sailboats.

The spirit of the boat

I asked Hiro how I could find out more about the people on the boats because clearly they are my right people. I could only see them as vague shapes. I wanted to know these people. I needed to know these people.

This is when Hiro said the most brilliant thing.Talk to the spirit of the boat. Spend time with the boat like you would a new place you were traveling to. Get to know it. Ask for permission to come aboard. Ask the boat where it’s going. Ask what the boat wants to tell you.

Ahhh, of course!!

The touchstones for my tribe

This answer from her tied in so beautifully to something that came up in my previous session with her last week when we looked at the soul of my business. Right now I’m in search of my people, my tribe. Hello? I’m looking for you.St Lucia by moonlight

What she saw for me was so reassuring. There are many trails laid out for me. Many beings have gone before me and marked the trails. And the trails are a whole network that overlap and intersect like the delta of a river.

The delta of a river.

The image I have of my river delta is one you would see if you flew over at night during a full moon with the rivulets, tributaries and streams glistening in reflected light. Shimmering. Beckoning.

So I am using the river delta and the gently bobbing sailboats as touchstones for my right people—my tribe of fellow group energy movers who work their magic with businesses and organizations both overtly and covertly. This is where the soul of my business is taking me. We’re on a journey in the ocean of the world.

We have a lot of work to do in the world, me and the soul of my business. I’m off to spend more time with the spirit of my boats. I’ll let you know what I discover.